Red Mage FAQ
Guide Info
Last Updated: 2 Aug, 2024
Patch Applicable: 7.2

How do I use Acceleration in Dawntrail?

Acceleration is now primarily a tool used for damage and movement, as it grants two instant-casts due to how Grand Impact works. The general principle is to always use one charge for damage, and to save the second for movement or emergency weaving (i.e. you have important oGCDs to weave but you cannot fix your oGCD alignment with Swiftcast or a melee combo). Grand Impact can also be used for buffs, but this is a secondary consideration, as all of our melee combo finishers still do more damage.

How should I use Manafication?

In unknown killtimes, it is often better to use Manafication as close to on cooldown as possible then using it to execute a melee combo. You can also align it with Embolden if killtimes allow. But generally, maximizing our uses of Manafication is more important, as it grants both an extra combo and an extra Prefulgence.

Should I use two melee combos under my Embolden?

As a baseline, we are always able to use one melee combo under Embolden. That said, a combo is around 12.7 seconds, so we can’t fit a full double combo under 20 second buffs. Nonetheless, it is good to do double combos under buffs (and a triple under potion), but not always feasible depending on killtimes, Manafication use, or whether you need combos for movement. If doing a double combo, start it 1 or 5 seconds before raid buffs come off cooldown.

What is Enchanted Reprise for?

Emergency movement, last hitting the boss at the end of a fight, or niche optimization for minor damage gains. However, overuse can misalign or make us lose a melee combo due to the mana cost. Read the guide for more details.

What does oGCD alignment mean?

Because of the uneven number of finishers in our melee combo at level 100, every melee combo will cause these windows to flip. Swiftcast will also do the same thing. This means that every time we do a melee combo, one use of Swiftcast will “re-align” our oGCDs with our Dualcast windows. A video demonstrating this concept can be found here from Endwalker. Keeping every single oGCD aligned is impractical, so the priority oGCDs we want zero drift for are Fleche, Contre Sixte, and Embolden (sometimes Manafication but it’s more flexible) unless planned.

Should I be using Engagement instead of Displacement?

They have the same potency, so in the majority of situations, it is strictly better to use Engagement instead of Displacement. Displacement may still have niche uses for convenient movement, but is never required.

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