Red Mage Skills Overview
Guide Info
Last Updated: 24 Mar, 2025
Patch Applicable: 7.2

Red Mage Skill Overview

All skills are listed with their level 100 effects and potencies.

Offensive On Global Cool Down Abilities

Jolt III
Jolt IIIA 360 potency Spell with a cast time of two seconds that increases both Black and White Mana by 2.
Verthunder III
Verthunder IIIA 440 potency Spell with a cast time of five seconds that increases Black Mana by 6. Has a 50% chance to proc Verfire Ready.
VerfireA 380 potency Spell with a cast time of two seconds that increases Black Mana by 5. Can only be used when under the effect of Verfire Ready.
Veraero III
Veraero IIIA 440 potency Spell with a cast time of two seconds that increases White Mana by 6. Has a 50% chance to proc Verstone Ready.
VerstoneA 380 potency Spell with a cast time of two seconds that increases White Mana by 5. Can only be used when under the effect of Verstone Ready.
Enchanted Reprise
Enchanted RepriseA 420 potency magical, ranged Weaponskill with no cast time. Consumes 5 Black and 5 White Mana to use.
RepriseA 100 potency physical, melee Weaponskill with no cast time. Upgrades to Enchanted Reprise when both Black and White mana are at 5 or more.
Enchanted RiposteThe first skill of our melee combo. A 300 potency magical, melee Weaponskill with no cast time. Consumes 20 Black and 20 White Mana to use. Creates one Mana Stack upon use.
Enchanted ZwerchhauThe second skill of our melee combo. A 360 potency magical, melee Weaponskill with no cast time. Consumes 15 Black and 15 White Mana to use. Creates one Mana Stack upon use.
Enchanted RedoublementThe third skill of our melee combo. A 540 potency magical, melee Weaponskill with no cast time. Consumes 15 Black and 15 White Mana to use. Creates one Mana Stack upon use.
VerholyOne of two finishers of our melee combo. A 650 potency spell with no cast time that increases White Mana by 11. It also hits as an AoE, dealing 60% less damage to all enemies hit after the first. Has a 20% chance to proc Verstone Ready if White Mana is greater than or equal to Black Mana, which increases to 100% if White Mana is lesser than Black Mana or Acceleration is active. Replaces Veraero on the hotbar. Costs three Mana Stacks to use.
VerflareOne of two finishers of our melee combo. A 650 potency spell with no cast time that increases Black Mana by 11. It also hits as an AoE, dealing 60% less damage to all enemies hit after the first. Has a 20% chance to proc Verfire Ready if Black Mana is greater than or equal to White Mana, which increases to 100% if Black Mana is lesser than White Mana or Acceleration is active. Replaces Verthunder on the hotbar. Costs three Mana Stacks to use.
ScorchThe penultimate ability in our melee combo sequence. A 750 potency spell that increases both Black and White Mana by 4. It also hits as an AoE, dealing 60% less damage to all enemies hit after the first. Replaces Jolt III on the hotbar.
ResolutionThe final ability in our melee combo sequence. A 850 potency spell that increases both Black and White Mana by 4. It also hits as an AoE, dealing 60% less damage to all enemies hit after the first. Replaces Scorch on the hotbar.
RiposteA 130 potency physical, melee Weaponskill with no cast time. Upgrades to Enchanted Riposte when both Black and White mana are at 20 or more.
ZwerchhauA 150 potency physical, melee Weaponskill with no cast time. Upgrades to Enchanted Zwerchhau when both Black and White mana are at 15 or more.
RedoublementA 230 potency physical, melee Weaponskill with no cast time. Upgrades to Enchanted Redoublement when both Black and White mana are at 15 or more.
Verthunder IIA 140 potency Spell with a cast time of two seconds that increases Black Mana by 7. Deals damage to all enemies in a radius of 5 yalms of your target.
Veraero IIA 140 potency Spell with a cast time of two seconds that increases White Mana by 7. Deals damage to all enemies in a radius of 5 yalms of your target.
ImpactA 210 potency Spell with a cast time of five seconds that increases both Black and White Mana by 3. Deals damage to all enemies in a radius of 5 yalms of your target. Potency increased to 260 when under the effect of Acceleration
Grand Impact
Grand ImpactA 600 potency Spell with an instant cast time that increases both Black and White Mana by 3. Deals damage to all enemies in a radius of 5 yalms of your target. It also hits as an AoE, dealing 60% less damage to all enemies hit after the first. After using Acceleration, Grants Grand Impact Ready and replaces Impact and Jolt III on the hotbar.
Enchanted MoulinetA 130 potency magical Weaponskill with no cast time that deals damage to all enemies within an 8 yalm cone in front of you. Consumes 20 Black and 20 White Mana to use. Grants one Mana Stack upon use.
Enchanted Moulinet DeuxA 140 potency magical Weaponskill with no cast time that deals damage to all enemies within an 8 yalm cone in front of you. Consumes 15 Black and 15 White Mana to use. Grants one Mana Stack upon use.
Enchanted Moulinet TroisA 150 potency magical Weaponskill with no cast time that deals damage to all enemies within an 8 yalm cone in front of you. Consumes 15 Black and 15 White Mana to use. Grants one Mana Stack upon use.
MoulinetA 60 potency physical Weaponskill with no cast time that deals damage to all enemies within an 8 yalm cone in front of you. Upgrades to Enchanted Moulinet when both Black and White mana are at or above 20.
VercureA 350 potency healing Spell with a cast time of two seconds.
VerraiseA Spell with a cast time of ten seconds that resurrects the target to a weakened state.

Offensive Off Global Cooldown Abilities

FlecheA 480 potency attack with a cooldown of 25 seconds.
Contre SixteA 420 potency attack with a cooldown of 35 seconds. Deal damage with no fall-off to all enemies in a radius of six yalms of the target.
Corps-A-CorpsA 130 potency attack with a cooldown of 35 seconds. Rushes the target, placing you in melee range. Has a maximum of two charges.
DisplacementA 180 potency attack with a cooldown of 35 seconds, which is shared with Engagement. Pushes you 15 yalms away from the target. Has a maximum of two charges.
EngagementA 180 potency attack with a cooldown of 35 seconds, which is shared with Displacement. Has a maximum of two charges.
EmboldenA buff with a cooldown of 120 seconds that increases your own magical damage by 5% and the damage of nearby party members by 5%. Grants Thorned Flourish, allowing the use of Vice of Thorns.
Vice of ThornsA 800 potency attack granted after using Embolden. It also hits as an AoE, dealing 60% less damage to all enemies hit after the first.
ManaficationAn ability with a cooldown of 110 seconds that grants 3 stacks of Magicked Swordplay, each stack allowing the use of Enchanted Riposte, Enchanted Zwerchhau, Enchanted Redoublement without cost, and increases magical damage dealt by self by 5% for the next six GCDs used. Grants Prefulgence Ready upon consuming 6 stacks of Manafication, allowing the use of Prefulgence.
PrefulgenceA 1000 potency attack granted after using Manafication. It also hits as an AoE, dealing 60% less damage to all enemies hit after the first.
AccelerationAn ability with a cooldown of 55 seconds that ensures the next use of Verthunder III or Veraero III will grant the respective Verfire Ready or Verstone Ready effects. Also ensures the next cast of Impact, Veraero III or Verthunder III are instant. Increases the potency of Impact by 50. Grants Grand Impact Ready, allowing the use of Grand Impact
SwiftcastA role action with a cooldown of 40 seconds that makes the cast of the next spell instant.

Utility Off Global Cool Down Abilities

AddleA role action with a cooldown of 90 seconds that lowers target’s physical damage dealt by 5% and magic damage dealt by 10% for ten seconds.
Lucid DreamingA role action with a cooldown of 60 seconds that increases mana restoration for 21 seconds.
SurecastA role action with a cooldown of 120 seconds that prevents cast interruption and nullifies most incoming knockback and draw-in effects for 6 seconds.
Magick Barrier
Magick BarrierAn oGCD ability with a cooldown of 120 seconds that decreases magic damage taken by yourself and party members in a 15 yalm radius by 10% and increases the HP recovered by healing actions by 5%.
SleepA role action with that puts the target and all nearby enemies to sleep for 30 seconds, if the target is vulnerable to the effect of Sleep.
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  • 26 Oct, 2021
    Created page
    26 Dec, 2021
    Updated for Endwalker.
    10 Jun, 2023
    No changes ( :( ), updated patch number
    6 Oct, 2023
    Updated potencies for patch 6.5
    2 Aug, 2024
    Updated for Dawntrail.
    24 Mar, 2025
    Updated potencies for patch 7.2