Summoner Stat Priority
Guide Info
Last Updated: 7 Jul, 2024
Patch Applicable: 7.0

As a general rule we recommend:

SpS to 2.46-2.48 > Crit > Det >= DH > More SpS

Previously, SpS was more viable due to the the general potencies being a negligible gain or loss whether the demi phase drifted outside of buffs, but with the addition of Solar Bahamut at Lv. 100, it’s now more important to align with with raid buffs. SpS is also weaker at the beginning of the expansion, as a suitable amount of SpS to make the build remotely viable isn’t possible to get natively. Because of this, SpS builds are not recommended, and generally won’t be recommended throughout the expansion.

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  • 9 Nov, 2021
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    16 Feb, 2022
    Updated for Endwalker