White Mage Skills Overview
Table of Contents
Notable Endwalker Changes
- Thin Air has two charges but only reduces mana cost on one spell per cast.
- Glare cast time reduced to 1.5s.
- Presence of Mind changes to a 120s cooldown.

Glare III
- Single target damage (330), 1.5 cast time
- At lower levels you’ll have Stone, which gets replaced by Glare at level 72
- Can weave one oGCD after it
- Cast this when you don’t need to do anything else.

- Single Target Damage (640p), instant cast
- Gain 3 charges of Glare IV for 30s after using Presence of Mind
- Can Weave two oGCDs afterit
- Try to always put this into raid buffs

Holy III
- AoE damage in a small 8y radius around you (150p), 2.5s cast time
- In non boss fights, Holy has a stun that gets reduced each time starting off with 4s stun followed by 2s stun and the last stun being 1s.
- Holy is your strongest tool in Dungeons, letting you have an effective seven second stun
- Holy is a gain over Glare III on three targets
- Try to use Swift before Holy in dungeon runs before the first usage, makes the stun chain smooth

Single target damage (75p) and DoT (10 ticks of 75p), instant cast. Total Potency: 825
At lower levels you’ll have Aero, this is replaced by Dia at level 72
In dungeons, apply Dia while running and spam Holy when the tank stops
If Optimizing:
- Refreshing Dia early can be a gain if you know your kill/phase time and you know you will lose ticks anyway.
- Dia is a gain on Glare III after four ticks.

Afflatus Misery
- AoE damage in a very small 5y radius around enemy target (1,240p), instant cast. Deals 620 potency to enemies that aren’t the main target in a 5y radius.
- You gain Blood Lily charges when using a Lily charge, you need three lily usages to gain a Blood Lily. Misery can only be activated if you have a Blood Lily
- Three Lilies and a Misery is a DPS gain on two or more targets. Be aware of its small 5y radius and make sure it is hitting two targets.
- Your priority for Misery should be Movement if you have nothing else > Using it into Putting it into raid buffs > before the fight ends
- If you have at least one Blood Lily charge, it’s a gain to use as many Lilies as you need to get a Blood Lily before the fight ends.

Assize (40s CD)
- AoE damage in a 15y radius around you (400p) and an AoE heal in a 15y radius around you (400p)
- Should always be used on cooldown for damage.
- Try to delay your own healing or communicate with your cohealer if Assize will be coming off of cooldown before threatening damage. This will allow you to use Assize for both damage and healing
- Delaying Assize to heal can be done if you know you won’t lose a use
- Excellent ability for cleave damage, always a gain to delay if you can hit more than two targets

- Single target heal (500p), 1.5s cast time, 400 MP cost
- Can weave one oGCD after this
- Once you have Cure II, Cure is only used when you’re out of mana and it’s your only available heal.

Cure II
- Single target heal (800p), 2.0s cast time, 1000 MP cost
- Use in niche scenarios where you need a single target heal, every other single target heal is on cooldown, and it’s too late to use Regen.

Afflatus Solace
- Single target heal (800p), instant cast
- Use in most scenarios over Cure II as Misery can refund some of the lost Glare potency.

- Single target strong regen (six ticks of 250p), Total heal: 1,500.
- Regen has substantially higher total potency than Cure II if you don’t need immediate healing.
- Regen won’t proc Divine Veil

- Aoe heal in a 15y radius around you (400p), 2s cast time
- Use in niche scenarios where you need extra AoE healing, can’t wait for a tick of Medica II, and have no Lilies.

Medica III
- AoE heals in a 20y radius around you (250p) and applies a regen (5 ticks of 175p), Total healing: 1,125p
- Use in scenarios where you need an AoE GCD heals, use this over Medica as it becomes a heal gain to Medica with one regen tick.

Cure III
- AoE heal in a small 10y radius around your targeted party member (600p), 2s cast time
- Use in situations where you need a big burst heal in one GCD radius
- Cure III can target someone further away and heal in a 6y radius around them

Afflatus Rapture
- AoE heal in a 20y radius around you (400p), instant cast
- Use over other AoE GCD heals when possible as Misery can refund some of the lost potency

Divine Benison (30s CD)
- Single target shield (500p)
- Has two charges
- Use it as your primary tank upkeep tool, always keeping at least one on cooldown. Can also be used on a non-tank to help them deal with incoming damage if needed.

Tetragrammaton (60s CD)
- Single target heal (700p)
- Typically used for tank upkeep but can also be used for spot healing on any low party member.

Benediction (3-minute CD)
- Single target heal for 100% of your target’s maximum HP.
- Typically reserved for healing Living Dead when paired with a Dark Knight, but can be used for any substantial tank or spot healing in other tank comps or when LD won’t be needed for a while.

Asylum (90s CD)
- Places a 15y ground AoE (Nine ticks of 100p)
- Asylum gives 10% increased healing to both GCD and oGCD heals except select few cases
- Asylum gives an additional regen tick when first placed
- Asylum increases its own potency to 110p per tick except for the initial one on placement
- Total heal: 980p

Liturgy of the Bell (3m CD)
- Places a Bell at a designated location and gives the WHM a 5-stack buff
- When the White Mage takes damage, Bell uses one stack and heals allies within a 20y radius (400p). Bell’s healing originates from itself, not the WHM.
- Bell can be triggered again at any time to heal all allies (200p per stack)
- After 20s Bell expires and any remaining stacks heal allies within a 20y radius (200p per stack)
- It’s most effective at healing multiple raidwides, however don’t be afraid to use it to heal one or two raidwides and the leftover stacks can top the party.

Plenary Indulgence (60s CD)
- Grants Confession to allies within a 20y radius
- Confession heals for 200p when triggered by Medica, Medica II, Cure III and Afflatus Rapture
- Use if you’re about to GCD heal and you need additional healing, its low cooldown makes it more flexible.
- Especially potent for tougher healing checks where you’ll be casting multiple GCD heals during the buff.

Divine Caress
- AoE 15y Shield(400p) and Regen (5 ticks of 200p), total heal: 1,000.
- Gain use of Divine Caress after using Temperance for 30 seconds
- Divine Caress’ shield can crit and benefits from healing up buffs like Asylum or NAture’s Minne(BRD)
- Divine Caress can be activated 30 seconds after Temperance meaning you can stagger Divine Caress to cover another mechanic after Temperance falls off.
Other Actions

Temperance (2m CD - oGCD)
- Grants Temperance a 20s buff that increases your GCD healing by 20% and gives a 10% mitigation to allies within a 50y radius.
- Use to mitigate heavy raidwides and to help with heal checks that force you to GCD heal.

Aquaveil (60s CD - oGCD)
- Single target 8s mitigation (15%)
- Use as a tank buster cooldown assistance, can also be used to deal with heavy auto attacks if no tank busters are coming up during its cooldown. Best case scenario is to use it as both

Presence of Mind (2m CD - oGCD)
- Haste Buff: Reduces spell cast time, recast time, and auto-attack delay by 20% for 15s
- This is not Spell Speed, so it has no effect on DoT damage
- In raid boss fights, use during the third GCD in your opener and on cooldown throughout the fight. Only delay its usage if your group is coordinating raid buffs.
- In dungeons use on both trash and bosses, do not save it unless trash will die soon
- Depending on your ping weaving between Presence of Mind glares could have small clips

Thin Air (60s CD - oGCD)
- Grants Thin Air, which makes your next spell cost zero MP
- Has two charges
- Most effective when used on high-MP cost spells like Medica II or Raise, but is often used on Glare for MP-sustain in optimized fights.
- Keep one on cooldown at all times and keep the extra one for a Raise or GCD heal

- Revives a dead player after a long 8s cast
- Use with Swiftcast if available
- Use with Thin Air to mitigate the mana cost

- 2.5s cast time
- Puts an enemy to sleep
- Highly situational spell, as most enemies are immune to sleep and sleeping enemies wake up when damaged.

- 1s cast time
- Removes cleansable debuffs (debuffs with a white bar above them)
- Use to remove lethal debuffs (e.g. Doom, Throttle)
- Most other debuffs can be ignored
- Can weave one oGCD

Lucid Dreaming (60s CD - oGCD)
- Recovers MP over time (3850 MP over 21s)
- Use when below 8000 MP

Swiftcast (oGCD)
- Makes your next GCD spell instant cast
- The buff is not consumed when using instant cast GCDs.
- If desired, save Swiftcast for Raise

Surecast (2m CD - oGCD)
- Prevents most knockback and movement effects and prevents casts from being canceled
- Use to avoid knockbacks.

Rescue (2m CD - oGCD)
- Pulls a target party member to your location
- Does not work if the target has certain debuffs, like Bind, or if the target is using Surecast/Arm’s Length
- Use this to save a party member from failing mechanics
- You can rescue someone who used LB3 to move them into a safe spot; however, it doesn’t allow them to move or act sooner.