2nd GCD AC

Soul Sow pre-pull
Cast Harpe after 2 appears on the countdown, or at 1.7s exactly.
Shadow of Death
- Potion (Press this late into your GCD) – see note below for Potion Optimization.
Soul Slice
- Arcane Circle – press this as late as you can without clipping your next GCD. Recommended .5s delay.
- Gluttony
Executioner’s Gibbet
Executioner’s Gallows
Plentiful Harvest
- This will clip if your GCD is faster than 2.47, or you have high ping. Moving the Soul Slice from after Perfectio to before this GCD is a viable option.
- Enshroud
Void Reaping
- Sacrificium
Cross Reaping
- Lemure’s Slice
Void Reaping
Cross Reaping
- Lemure’s Slice
Soul Slice
- Unveiled Gibbet
Shadow of Death
Slice – Potion ends here.
Soul Slice
- Unveiled Gallows
Potion Optimization
Ideally, we would rather potion at the 2nd minute mark, but this isn’t always the case in some encounters. There are actually three ways to optimize potion, each with different effectiveness.
Triple-weave Potion after Arcane Circle, before Gluttony.
- This require immaculate ping and potentially the aid of third party software. The gains here are minor, but it is our best usage.
In a low raid buff situation (1 additional raid buffer other than you) we can alter the opener slightly:
- Move the second Shadow of Death to after the first Soul Slice;
- Late-weave AC after the Soul Slice;
- Double-weave Potion and Gluttony after the new second Shadow of Death positioning.
Lastly, you can execute it like the image is above with very little impact on our overall DPS.