Machinist FAQ
Guide Info
Last Updated: 10 Jan, 2023
Patch Applicable: 6.3

When do I use Hypercharge?

You can use Hypercharge freely when above 50 heat as long as four conditions are met:

  1. Drill, Air Anchor and Chainsaw have more than eight to ten seconds left on cooldown.
  2. You have 0-1 Gauss Round and Ricochet charges stored.
  3. You are using Wildfire or will have enough heat for it later when you need it.

Do I use Blazing Shot during Hypercharge? How many should it fit?

You want to use either five Blazing Shots or Auto Crossbows in every Hypercharge.

Should I double weave between Blazing Shots?

No. 1.5s GCD allows a single weave only.

How do I use Wildfire? How many GCDs should it fit?

Pair it with Hypercharge to get six GCDs into it. Wildfire can be used one GCD before or after Hypercharge but double weaving (Hypercharge→ Wildfire) is the most ping friendly. It should fit five Blazing Shot/Auto Crossbow + one GCD when double weaved or used one GCD before Hypercharge, OR four Blazing Shot/Auto Crossbow + two GCDs if used after the first GCD in Hypercharge.

When does Wildfire snapshot buffs?

On application, like DoTs.

When do I use Barrel Stabilizer?

Barrel Stabilizer should be used on cooldown. It will come up during the Hypercharge prior to Wildfire.

When do I use Reassemble?

Pair it with Drill, Air Anchor or Chainsaw. Chainsaw works best for raid buff alignment. For AoE use it on Chainsaw. Scattergun or Auto Crossbow against 3+ targets can be used if you’re unable to use it on Chainsaw. It doesn’t affect the DoT portion of Bioblaster.

When do I summon Queen?

During raid buff windows. Every job now bursts in 60s/120s windows, and Queen should be summoned prior to them.

Does Queen add damage to Wildfire?


How do buffs affect Queen?

It mirrors the buffs on yourself in real time. There are no snapshots, each attack is checked individually. Dragon Sight doesn’t affect Queen.

Should I detonate Wildfire or use Pile Bunker early?

No. You would only ever do it if the fight or uptime window is ending before they would go off naturally.

Should I use Flamethrower?

Yes, for AoE, assuming gauge is usable, it wins out at 4+ targets, if gauge is not usable, beats out filler on 2+. Beats out Air Anchor on 6+ targets, but is never better than Hypercharge, Chainsaw/Excavator, and Drill/Bioblaster.

How do Dismantle and Tactician interact?

Both Dismantle and Tactician work independently of each other, meaning they can be stacked. They function slightly differently. Dismantle requires a target, while Tactician does not, but both cover both physical and magical damage. As a generalized statement, try to stagger usage of these mitigative actions, but if you’re unsure of where they’re needed, ask your healers where they would like them.

What is the AoE priority?

  1. Bioblaster 2+ targets

  2. Auto Crossbow 3+ targets

  3. Flamethrower 3+ targets

  4. Scattergun 3+ targets

    please refer to the subsection on the Basic Guide.

How much ping do I need to play this class?

The golden standard is hitting five Blazing Shots in Hypercharge and one extra GCD for Wildfire for a total of six in Wildfire while weaving a Double Check or Checkmate between every attack for raid buff gains. If you can hit the 5 + 1 GCDs while weaving only two times, you can avoid overcapping which is passable, but not optimal. If you can’t weave at all or if you miss GCDs in Hypercharge or Wildfire, then your performance will be suboptimal.

How to deal with <2.50 GCD/Skill Speed

Since Drill no longer scales with Skill Speed, it is a flat 20 second cooler. This is only for content past level 94, since in synced down content Drill will scale with Skill Speed, it is only when we obtain the second charge that this occurs. To resolve this we need to never use Drill off cooldown outside of the opener or else we clip our GCD since it will always be a flat 20 second cooldown. There is more information on how to tackle down any Skill Speed faster than 2.50 rotationally in the Basic Guide.

Should/Can I use Reassemble with Full Metal Field?

No you cannot, the tooltip for Full Metal Field states that the damage increase is only for raid buffs that give you a percentage increase for Crit/DH rates, since FMF is a guaranteed Crit/DH ability, it will gain more damage under these effects. However, Reassemble is also a guaranteed Crit/DH so it does not follow the same rules, and thus using it will cause the Reassemble buff to keep ticking down and will be applied on the next GCD.

Do I Hold Double Drill Charges For Burst?

For any full uptime fights we go into both the 2 and 8 Minute windows combo neutral. Holding the previous Drill will make both the 2/8 windows have to include a Heated Combo GCD to make up for the filler by delaying the previous Drill. However for the 4 & 6 Minute window, holding the previous drill is extremely viable and it even lets us go into the 6 Minute Window combo neutral aswell as fit 3 Drills into our potion/tincture window (Extra Drill for buffs). This goes more in depth on the Advanced Guide.

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  • 25 Oct, 2021
    Created page
    19 Dec, 2021
    Updated for initial EW changes
    10 Jan, 2023
    Updated to include Dismantle vs Tactician for 6.3