Paladin Openers
Guide Info
Last Updated: 10 Jul, 2024
Patch Applicable: 7.0

Paladin Openers

Tanks currently use Grade 1 Gemdraught of Strength (Strength also affects tank magic potency, including healing).


Paladin Opener graphic


Paladin example burst window

  • Use Fight or Flight on cooldown, this begins your burst phase.
    • At 2.50 GCD and following the standard opener, double weave Imperator after Fight or Flight (see FAQ for bursting at other speeds)
  • Similar to the opener, use your high potency skills (Confiteor + Blades, Goring Blade) and oGCDs (Circle of Scorn, Expiacion, Intervene, Blade of Honor) as they become available
  • For the remaining duration of Fight or Flight, prioritize your high potency filler GCDs (Royal Authority, Atonement/Supplication/Sepulchre, Holy Spirit with Divine Might buff)
    • Since Sepulchre is stronger than Holy Spirit with Divine Might (which is stronger than Royal Authority, Atonement, and Supplication), prioritize putting Sepulchre in Fight or Flight if able (this will not be possible if Royal Authority falls inside Fight or Flight). This will sometimes push Holy Spirit out of Fight or Flight but is still a gain.


  • Outside of Fight or Flight, repeat the Royal Authority combo and spend the procs it gives you (Atonement, Supplication, Sepulchre, Holy Spirit)
  • Spend your procs — avoid completing another Royal Authority combo before using all the procs from the previous one
  • Bank resources for your next burst by not spending them until your next Royal Authority is ready
    • For example, by repeatedly following Royal Authority with Atonement, Fast Blade, Riot Blade, Supplication, Holy Spirit, Sepulchre, then Royal Authority outside of Fight or Flight, you will always have strong filler GCDs available for burst, no matter where Fight or Flight comes off cooldown
  • Use Circle of Scorn and Expiacion on cooldown so they are available for your next burst
  • Have any questions?
    Balance PLD Staff
  • 27 Oct, 2021
    10 Jan, 2022
    Initial update for Endwalker
    19 Sep, 2022
    Updated for 6.2 with slow rotation info
    12 Jan, 2023
    Updated for 6.3
    6 Nov, 2023
    Updated graphic for 6.4 changes
    10 Jul, 2024
    Updated for 7.0