Paladin Skills Overview
Guide Info
Last Updated: 25 Mar, 2025
Patch Applicable: 7.2


Iron Will

Toggle | 3s cooldown after toggling on. | 1s cooldown after toggling off.

Increases enmity generation by 10x (Enmity is also known as aggro, hate, etc.).

Keep this on in dungeons or as the main tank (in content with more than one tank).

Fight or Flight

60s cooldown.

+25% damage dealt for 20 seconds.


60s cooldown.

580 potency.

Provides 4 stacks of Requiescat, granting instant casts and increasing the potency of Holy Spirit, Holy Circle, Confiteor, and the Blade of Valor combo actions. Stacks are consumed by casting any spell. Also grants Confiteor Ready, enabling the use of Confiteor.

Single Target GCDs

Goring Blade

700 potency

Does not interrupt combos.

Royal Authority Combo

Fast Blade >Riot Blade >Royal Authority

220 > 330 > 460 potency

Grants Divine Might and Atonement Ready

+1000 MP from Riot Blade

(Upgrades from Rage of Halone).


460 potency

Grants Supplication ready

+400 MP


500 potency

Grants Sepulchre ready

+400 MP


540 potency

+400 MP

Holy Spirit

400 potency | 1.5s cast time | Does not break combo

500 potency and instant with Divine Might (consumes Divine Might)

700 potency and instant with Requiescat (consumes 1 stack of Requiescat)

Heals self for 400 potency.

Costs 1000 MP.

Blade of Valor Combo

Confiteor >Blade of Faith >Blade of Truth >Blade of Valor

1000 > 760 > 880 > 1000 potency

Each combo action consumes a stack of Requiescat, does very little damage unless buffed by Requiescat.

Blade of Valor grants Blade of Honor ready.

400 potency heal per hit.

Costs 1000 MP per hit.

Does not Interrupt Royal Authority combo.

Offensive Abilities (oGCDs)


450 potency | 30s cooldown.

AoE around target, 50% less damage on secondary targets.

+500 MP

Circle of Scorn

140 potency + 30 potency DoT over 15 seconds (150 potency total from DoT). | 30s cooldown.

AoE centered on self.


150 potency. | 2 charges.

30s charge time.

Blade of Honor

1000 potency

Requires Blade of Honor ready (granted by Blade of Valor)

Defensive and Utility Abilities


20% damage reduction. Increases incoming healing by 15%.

20s duration | 90s cooldown


40% damage reduction. Gives a 1000 potency shield.

15s duration | 120s cooldown


Guaranteed block (20% damage reduction at level 100, on average about 15% damage reduction if accounting for random blocks).

10s duration | 90s cooldown

Holy Sheltron

Costs 50 Oath Gauge (generated at a rate of 50 per ~23s) | 5s cooldown.

  • 15% damage reduction | 8s duration
  • 15% additional damage reduction | 4s duration
  • 1000 potency regen over 12s

Passage of Arms

Channel for up to 18 seconds.

Guarantees blocks.

120s cooldown

Provides 15% damage reduction to party members behind you.

Canceled by taking any action (including turning your character).

Divine Veil

Shields you and party members near you for 10% of your maximum HP, as well as heals for 400 potency.

Shield duration: 30s | 90s cooldown


10% damage down to nearby enemies

15s duration | 60s cooldown


Costs 50 Oath Gauge | 10s cooldown.

  • 10% damage reduction (20% instead if at least one of Rampart or Sentinel is active on you) | 8s duration
  • 10% damage reduction | 4s duration
  • 1000 potency regen over 12s


Costs 50 Oath Gauge | 12s duration | 120s cooldown

Tether to target party member as long as they are within 10y.

Redirect most damage and knockbacks on the covered target to you (exceptions exist).

Uses your buffs/debuffs (except Hallowed Ground) to calculate damage and ignores the covered target’s.


Instantly gives you top enmity on the target with a significant enmity lead (this enmity lead is affected by Iron Will)


120s cooldown

Takes 25% of your enmity and gives it to target party member.

Affects everything on the enemy list.

Arm’s Length

6s duration | 120s cooldown

Become immune to most knockback and pull in effects.

Applies a 20% auto-attack and cast time slow for 15s to enemies that attack you (resisted by most bosses).


Prominence Combo

Total Eclipse >Prominence

120 > 220 potency (physical damage).

Grants Divine Might

+500 MP

Circle AoE centered on self.

Replaces single target combos at 3+ enemies.

Holy Circle

100 potency (magical) | 1.5s cast time

250 potency and instant under Divine Might (also consumes Divine Might).

350 potency and instant under Requiescat (also consumes a stack of Requiescat).

Heals self for 400 potency.

Costs 1000 MP.

Circle AoE centered on self.

Replaces Holy Spirit at 3+ enemies.

Other Actions (Infrequently Used)



1000 potency heal on target.

Costs 2000 MP | 1.5s cast time | Does not break combo.

When used on another target, also heals you for half as much.

Shield Lob

100 potency (physical damage) | Does not break combo.

  • 7x Enmity multiplier
  • Ranged attack

Shield Bash

100 potency (physical damage)

6s stun


Low Blow

25s cooldown | 5s stun


30s cooldown

Interrupts target’s action.

Interruptible actions are denoted by red flashing castbars:

Normal castbar:

Interruptible castbar:

  • Have any questions?
  • 27 Oct, 2021
    3 Aug, 2022
    updated for EW (sorry for the delay!)
    25 Aug, 2022
    Updated for 6.2
    19 Sep, 2022
    Updated for 6.21
    12 Jan, 2023
    Updated for 6.3
    25 May, 2023
    Updated for 6.4
    6 Nov, 2023
    Updated for 6.5
    10 Jul, 2024
    Updated for 7.0
    8 Sep, 2024
    Updated for 7.05 potency changes
    25 Mar, 2025
    Updated for 7.2 potency changes to AoE combo